It’s like Transformers over here

July 1, 2011 at 12:49 pm (Day to Day, Drunk Posts, Summer Break, Wasting Study Time Posts) (, , , , , )

Autobots Unite!

It’s just more construction. It’s like giant, metal, dinosaurs are rumbling up and down the street. All that machinery I can see and hear, just through the trees. Creepy, sort of. And funny because they are making alot of noise but nothing seems to be getting done. I am sure someone went to school for a long time to plan this mess, but it just looks like a bunch of holes and gravel blocking everyone’s driveways. I’ve seen the “finished” work around town. As far as I can tell, they dump rocks, put up a warning horse, then let it sit for about 3 weeks, until all the fill is gone and you are left with a huge, 4 foot wide, crack in the road that could blow out a tire when you run over it.  Then one random day, when you are late, a month from now, you will be driving down a constructed street and be stopped by a “Closed” sign while they lay an asphalt strip for 6 hours. The dirt and debris will remain, however, for another 2 weeks after that.

Time to refill my glass. Check next post for explanation.

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